
Showing posts from 2018

The 35 Minutes That Sum It Up Best: Motivational Karaoke, "Spring Training Eve"

Today while driving around South Austin, my iPod bringed me a blast from me past.  A 35-minute segment of Motivational Karoke, the WESN radio show that Chris Golwitzer and I painstakingly crafted from 2002-2005.  It wunt crafted.  It wunt no pain. Part 5 of "SPRING TRAINING EVE (2/22/04) just seemed to sum up what we were about. It starts with an interview with Ted Leo after he blew out his voice in Champaign and I finished the singing for him.  That ends with a clip of Babe Ruth with a fake swear word beeped in. We played Ted Leo quite a bit. A new song that's old now. A lengthy, lie-riddled microphone break, back-selling a lot of things that we used to play.  A tongue lashing of the DJs on before us. An explanation of what Google is and how to spell it, followed by the futile spelling of our very long impossible find website. We were doing Dream Warriorisms then because we were on from 12-2am at that time.  We went retro and pulled out a Motivational Karo

You Know... I Forgot I Had a Blog. For That, I Give You the Re Re Re Mastering of an Album.

I had remastered this on a computer donated to me by my very good friend, Alex Moore, of LUNCHROOM AUDIO in Buda, TX.  Naturally, as will happen on a computer from 2005, I eventually couldn't boot it up.  I bought a thing, 3 years later, that made it possible for me to retrieve the only .WAV version of the album... the whole recording session, actually... what there ever was.  It was partially recorded living in Chicago and partially recorded after moving to Austin.  It's kinda about the move, but more about a change in life.  Deal with it. Long story short, before I re-release it to all those streaming places that pay me a partial penny per download, just download it for free... but the way I intended it is best... that is as a whole album. Back in the day we called that a "concept album."  There was a race of people that had attention spans of 45+ minutes... them was the target audience. Relax... I broke it up into tracks, too. PS.  I have another album re

Weedeater, X, Y, Zeke... Downtown Bloomington To Be Broken Down To Its Elements.

Where to begin... Some forms of rock and roll are not meant for everyone.  Zeke and Weedeater are not for everyone.  I'm aroused just thinking about it. Let's get in the Time Machine... One day, in 2005, one Nathan Arling, of The Last Vegas and Double Door  (RIP), called up and asked if I could get $$$ to book Zeke .  I had been booking bands at Paulie's, but nothing with a contract.  I had heard of Zeke from Handsome Mick of the Resinators, from Illinois, but I'd never heard them before. It wound up being a valuable lesson for my future career at Double Door as a "Grocery Shopper For Bands." A lot of memories here, but sooner or later, there must be a point... let's continue... 2005 This is where and when I met Anthony Rubino, aka Wild Willy Williams, of The Shithawks.  He was playing bass for The Last Vegas at the time.  I also met Chad Cherry, the other new guy in the band.  I think this might have been his 1st or 2nd show with the b


Dear 2005 Nick, You live in Austin, TX, never go out and pine to go see live music in Bloomington, the one in Illinois. Sincerely, 2018 Nick. Ohtis came to us from high school.  I can't remember if I first saw them or heard their CD, "Saving the Planet," but it was all good.  I vaguely remember being in El Paso, the one in Illinois, and driving somewhere with at least one of them... that was an excellent time for vague memories. We used to rock this song, " HAILSTORM " (listen to it) on the radio.  Who's we?  Me & FadeOut (below) Now FadeOut is one of the owners of NIGHTSHOP and booked them to play my 5th wedding anniversary, also the 10th anniversary of their album, " IF THIS COUNTRY HAD A HEART ," which they'll be playing in its entirety.  I won't be there, but if the proximity is right, go all night. Click on that to hear some. I lost SAVING THE PLANET along the way and looked for it on the in

Who is more (309) than Bloody Mess?

I wrote a (309) Children’s Book... Bloody Mess made Peoria attractive to me.  Clearly he has magic powers. For Season 2 of EAR SCUM, I’m going to get HoZac to release an album featuring Bloody. I miss being in the same circle with him.  He was actually a good place to learn how to be a band. He put on a good radio show too and ALWAYS supported local artists. He is bigger and better than just a one-trick pony. When he compiled his own tribute album, I was there to do my best “ Think Of Punk Rock When You Poop .” I came across this. Familiar or not, you should read his brief autobiography. This blog has a pretty good history of Mr. Mess.   Read the thing about Bloody Mess, lil bro. He was also in a movie called “(309)” that was made by Chris Cowgill, but no one has ever seen it. We’ll be back to visit Bloody Mess again in the sequel to this book. Support your Public Library

Tape Us Together

My eye is still out for it, but it hasn’t been seen in 20 year and not likely to turn up, but there was a tape of a band, during their only practice, in a chicken-coupe practice space in a Bloomington attic... next to a homemade skate ramp... name forgotten... I was on guitar, Reid on bass, Matt Williams on drums and Bobby Schifano on vocals. I remember that we did “Paint It Black” and that Bobby sounded exactly like Cookie Monster. Very exactly. I also remember him thanking me putting a band together for him to eat cookies with. Crossed it off his bucket list. Spin-o-rama... That’s a tape I want to hear. My mom would say, “pray to St. Anthony.” The patron saint of lost things. I miss you, Bobby. I’d say Rest In Peace, but that wasn’t your thing. Another tape that I’d like to find but I won’t is that from our home answering machine in the 80s. The outgoing message tape that looped when you used it on a regular recorder. If I found it, the ideal recording would no longer be on i

Would You Like To Play a Game?

Would anyone like to play Nintendo with me?  I have Mario 1 & 2, but Metroid has the baddest jams.  I also have a game you’ve never played... Me. I’m not just an NES star on screen, but I’ve also worked with Nintendo® to bring new life to their classic anthems. Want the reset button hit? I’m sorry Dave, I’m afraid I can’t do that. How about I just let you choose the game mode.  I used Matt Pulford ’s NES and games.  Transferred the audio to my 4-track.  Sometimes I couldn’t get the whole song recorded before the game messed up.  Hence Metroid gets all LSDish.  T’was the year, 2000... or 1999, but NOT 2001.  Dimmitt’s Grove... Bloomington... Illinois... McLean County... so forth. 1. RC PRO-AM? 2. Castlevania? 3. Rambo 4. Super Mario Bros 5. ??? 6. ??? 2  Karnov? 7. Dragon Warrior 8. Rampage! 9. Legend O’ Zelda 10. ??? 3 11. What Are Boobies Made Of? 12. ??? 4 Karnov? 13. ??? 5 Karnov? 14. Metroid 15. Mario Bros 2? Or Download a ZIP of the whole thing. Bl

Hairy Situations! Time Machine: Waco.

Today, Harry takes us deeper into 1990s Waco, TX, a place the Time Machine is Happy® to go! Here’s a short clip of Harry’s buddies, CORNPONE... Our conversation began... Later that evening, after the digital sun set, Harry told me... “short story long; lead singer was "jack" from "lord of the flies",the drummer is my buddy jerry and his cousin who went on to become the bassist for the "offenders." a bunch of waco children making it happen.” He’s not much for capitalizing nor punctuating, but he’s a fan of local history!  Now tell your friends, you’ll be huge in Leroy in no time! THANKS, HARRY!

Presenting... (309) THE MUGGLES: St. Patrick's Day 1994: THE GAME!🎮

(Greg Heath - poster) So there never was a Muggles album.  That burden weighed on me as I strove for perfection, a path destined for failure in the game of polishing turds. I cleaned this up, but also got a little experimental with it.  THIS being a 2nd Cousin Once Removed recording of The Muggles at the Gallery... the first show with Ed AND Steve in the band. This EarScum comes with rules.  Hate to do it, but rules make the game more fun and these are fun rules. This recordings has been re-mixed and remastered to recreate being at THIS show AT The Gallery.  Here's how it works... Move your speakers kinda far apart.  Once you have arranged the listening room appropriately, click HERE to open The Muggles @ The Gallery: St Patrick's Day 1994 MP3 . 1.  If you feel like moshing or circle-pitting to the product, move towards the LEFT (L) speaker and enjoy the sound of being near or on the "stage."  Remember to be respectful to those listening around you.  Surely yo

