The 35 Minutes That Sum It Up Best: Motivational Karaoke, "Spring Training Eve"

Today while driving around South Austin, my iPod bringed me a blast from me past.  A 35-minute segment of Motivational Karoke, the WESN radio show that Chris Golwitzer and I painstakingly crafted from 2002-2005.  It wunt crafted.  It wunt no pain.

Part 5 of "SPRING TRAINING EVE (2/22/04) just seemed to sum up what we were about.

It starts with an interview with Ted Leo after he blew out his voice in Champaign and I finished the singing for him.  That ends with a clip of Babe Ruth with a fake swear word beeped in.

We played Ted Leo quite a bit.

A new song that's old now.

A lengthy, lie-riddled microphone break, back-selling a lot of things that we used to play.  A tongue lashing of the DJs on before us.

An explanation of what Google is and how to spell it, followed by the futile spelling of our very long impossible find website.

We were doing Dream Warriorisms then because we were on from 12-2am at that time.  We went retro and pulled out a Motivational Karoake.  I trashed some young girl's attempt at doing radio news.  I recorded it one afternoon, while fucking with her by calling the studio phones.  We then, without her permission... made her our unwilling news correspondent.  It was mean, but that's how I rolled.

Attempting to arrange a Metal Marriage for Chris was a thing.

Local music??  Yes, Resinators doing Bloody Mess.

We played a lot of McLusky.

Local Music with Sin Sonnets!  You've got balls, I've got ovaries, let's get together!


We then ended the show with the hideous sound.

I'll post the whole show in parts, but PART 5 is what this is about.



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